Philosophy Cheat Sheet

Quick summaries of various schools of thought.


The idea that life can seem random and without meaning, but we can still find joy and purpose by embracing this uncertainty and living fully.


A spiritual tradition that focuses on understanding and overcoming suffering through mindfulness and compassion. It teaches that following the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path can lead to enlightenment.

Classical Greek Philosophy

Ideas from ancient Greek thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, who explored big questions about life, ethics, and the universe. They encouraged people to seek wisdom and live virtuously.


A system where all property is owned by the community, and everyone shares resources and responsibilities equally. The goal is to create a society without rich or poor people.


A philosophy from Confucius that emphasizes living a moral life, respecting family, and creating a harmonious society. It teaches the importance of good behavior and leadership.


The idea that we learn about the world through our senses, like seeing, hearing, and touching, rather than through thinking alone. For example, we know fire is hot because we feel the heat.

Engaged Buddhism

A form of Buddhism that combines traditional teachings with social action. It encourages using mindfulness and compassion to address social and environmental issues.


The belief that people are free to make their own choices and create their own meaning in life. It encourages living authentically and taking responsibility for our actions.


A movement that fights for equal rights and opportunities for women. It challenges the injustices women face and works toward a fair and inclusive society.


A belief that emphasizes the value and potential of people. It suggests that humans can lead happy and meaningful lives through reason, science, and caring for others, without needing religious beliefs.


The belief that our thoughts and consciousness play a crucial role in shaping our reality. It suggests that what we perceive as reality is actually influenced by our mind.


A major school of Mahayana Buddhism that explores the idea of emptiness (śūnyatā). It teaches that everything we perceive is interconnected and lacks an independent essence. 


A way of thinking about society that focuses on the struggle between different classes, like workers and bosses. It aims to create a fair society where everyone shares resources equally.


A type of Marxism that includes ideas from Vladimir Lenin, focusing on a strong party to lead the way to a fair and classless society.


The belief that life doesn’t have any inherent meaning or value. This perspective encourages people to create their own purpose and values in life.


A philosophy created by Ayn Rand that promotes rational self-interest and individualism. It argues that reality exists independently of our perceptions and that we can understand it through reason. It champions personal freedom and supports laissez-faire capitalism.


A way of thinking that questions traditional ideas and embraces different perspectives. It suggests there are no absolute truths, and our understanding is shaped by language and culture.


The belief that reason and logical thinking are the main ways to gain knowledge. This means we can understand a lot about the world just by using our brains.


Renaissance philosophy involved a revival of classical philosophy from ancient Greece and Rome, combined with new ideas about humanity and the world. Renaissance thinkers emphasised humanism, the value and potential of individuals, and encouraged a balance between faith and reason.

Social Contract Theory

The idea that people agree to follow rules and laws in exchange for protection and a safe society. It’s like an agreement between the people and their leaders to keep everyone safe and happy.


A way of thinking that teaches us to stay calm and strong, no matter what happens. Stoics believe in controlling our reactions and focusing on what we can change.


A philosophy from China that encourages living in harmony with the natural flow of the universe, called the Tao. It teaches simplicity, spontaneity, and letting go of control.


A movement that celebrates the goodness in people and nature. It encourages self-reliance, intuition, and seeking deeper truths beyond what we can see and touch.

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