Hitchhiker’s Guide to Your 20s: Why Philosophy Matters Now (More Than You Think, Trust Me)

Ahoy there, star travelers and inhabitants of this amusingly bothersome speck in the cosmos! (Yes, I’m pointing at you, the one whose smartphone has become a permanent extension of your hand.) Now, before you toss this aside like just another life manual masquerading as cheeky banter (I’d rather dance a jig on their mixed metaphors!), let me toss a glitter bomb of an idea your way: philosophy. That’s right, philosophy – the ancient art you might have played peek-a-boo with (or expertly dozed off to) during those twilight high school years.

Brace yourself, because despite its reputation as yawn-inducing, philosophy is actually a treasure trove of cosmic cheat codes for the wide-eyed wanderer venturing through the wilderness of their twenties. Here’s the scoop, galaxy pioneer: Your twenties can feel like you’ve got the Instagram-filtered wings of freedom on one side and the heavyweight belt of soul-crushing existential dread on the other. (Hang tight, the scales tend to balance out with a bit of cosmic intervention. Maybe.)

You’ll be dodging asteroids of societal expectations, the blinding shine of social media, plus that little alien in your head that keeps nagging, “What on Earth, or any other planet, am I doing with my life?” All of this, while trying to keep your spaceship afloat in a rapidly changing universe. But don’t reach for your space helmet in panic just yet! Tucked away in the cobwebbed corners of philosophy, you’ll find a shockingly effective elixir to soothe the anxiety that comes with being a twenty-something space cadet. Here’s the classified intel on how that works:

Social media icons on a keyboard.
Lost in the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster of Social Media? Philosophy Can Be Your Towel. image credit: Today Testing (For derivative), CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Life’s Big Questions and Philosophy

Ever pondered the meaning of life while scrolling through a perfectly curated Instagram feed? (Spoiler alert: it’s probably not what you see online.) Philosophy tackles these heady questions head-on, introducing you to existentialism, nihilism, and other delightfully unnerving concepts that can help you chart your own course through the social media storm. (Try this: the next time you feel like comparing your life to someone else’s highlight reel, remember Sisyphus and his never-ending boulder. At least your rock isn’t rolling back down a hill every five seconds.)

Making Sense of the World with Philosophy

The world, much like a Vogon poem set to elevator music, can be utterly bewildering at times. Philosophy equips you with critical thinking skills to navigate the complexities of the universe (or at least your local coffee shop). Learn to analyse information, identify logical fallacies in clickbait headlines, and form your own informed opinions – because let’s face it, most advice online is about as reliable as a used spaceship salesman. (Try this: the next time you’re faced with dubious claims online, ask yourself if Bertrand Russel would trust their sources.)

The Meaningless Work Blues? Philosophy Can Help You Find Your Purpose (or at Least a Decent Job). image credit: CIPHR Connect, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Critical Thinking Skills for Careers

Philosophy isn’t just about pondering the vast emptiness of space (although there’s some of that too). It equips you with critical thinking skills that are gold in today’s job market. Learn to analyze problems, think on your feet like Han Solo in a blaster fight, and argue your point convincingly – all essential tools for avoiding a career path as depressing as Marvin the Paranoid Android. (Try this: Practice your persuasive reasoning skills by trying to convince your friend that a philosophy degree is actually useful. Bonus points if you can do it using memes.)

Philosophy for Navigating a Complex World:

Your workplace can be a jungle far more treacherous than the Vogon Constructor fleet. Philosophy helps you develop strong ethical frameworks to guide your decisions and navigate tricky situations with integrity – because let’s be honest, sometimes the best course of action is to simply run away screaming, but sometimes a well-reasoned argument is more effective. (Try this: When faced with an ethical dilemma at work, ask yourself: “What would a Stoic do?” Chances are, the answer won’t involve throwing your stapler at your nemesis.)

Feeling Like Everyone’s on Fast Forward? Philosophy Can Help You Hitch a Ride on the Right Spaceship. image credit: Doctorxgc, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Philosophy for Young Adults

The world is changing faster than a runaway Vogon constructor fleet, and it can be overwhelming. Philosophy provides a historical context for understanding societal shifts and equips you with the tools to adapt and thrive in a constantly evolving world. After all, nobody wants to be stuck on a planet about to be demolished for a hyperspace bypass… (Try this: The next time you feel overwhelmed by the pace of change, remember the Heraclitus quote: “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” Change is inevitable, but you have the power to navigate it with grace and resilience.)

Navigating Relationships with Philosophy

From friendships that seem to dissolve faster than your carefully curated online persona to romantic entanglements more complex than a syllogism (seriously, who wrote those things?), your twenties are a time for exploring relationships. Philosophy offers insights into human nature and communication styles, helping you build strong, healthy connections that even the most independent young adult needs in order to thrive. (try this: When faced with a communication breakdown with a friend or romantic partner, consider the Stoic concept of “Amor Fati” – a love of one’s fate. Accept that situations won’t always be perfect, and focus on communicating openly and honestly to find solutions.)

    So, the next time you feel lost in the labyrinth of your twenties, remember – philosophy is your intellectual towel, your critical thinking Babel fish, and your surprisingly insightful guide through the complexities of young adulthood. Explore a fascinating world of ideas with House of Tríus, and together, let’s turn your twenties into an intellectual odyssey worthy of a Hitchhiker’s Guide.